Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Pew I've Been Waiting For

I have been on the hunt for an old church pew. I've looked at several flea markets, antique shops and barn sales but they are hard to find. When I did see one it was a lot more than I was looking to pay. This is one of those things that I could picture in my mind exactly where it would go in our house and that made it all the more exciting. I knew I would eventually find one, but I had to be patient.

Well... two weeks ago Ryan came home with a truck load of three pews. He found them on Craigslist and got all three for $70! He is crazy good at finding things on Craigslist! 

Love the cross detail on the side!

Ryan removed the red padding and cut it down from 7ft to 5ft in order to fit our entryway space. I painted it with Annie Sloan Old White chalk paint. 

It's such a great addition to our entry! 

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