Sunday, December 14, 2014

A trip to the tree farm

We love to go to the tree farm to get our Christmas tree! Our beagle Trip goes every year. His nose doesn't stop the entire time. I think he mostly enjoys meeting all the people. We sure did miss having a little snow this year. I love looking through all the trees. Thank goodness I have a patient husband who doesn't mind that I like to take my time. I think secretly he enjoys taking his time too! He kept reminding me that this years tree will be on the Christmas Home Tour! 

Not only did we get a great tree, but we got some time with our nephew Luke.

Here we are with Ryan's siblings, Reid & Ashley, and brother in law Brian. 

 Ryan's sister Ashley and her husband Brian have two beautiful boys Wyatt and Luke. Or should I say "Woo" which is what Wyatt calls his brother. I think it has a nice ring to it, Wyatt and Woo.

Ryan's parents Wally and Terri with his brother Reid. Wally and Terri are newly empty nesters with Reid a Junior in college. It has been fun to watch them cheer on Reid as he had a great year playing soccer for Otterbein, and how much joy they have received being grandparents. 

We can usually count on Trip sleeping the rest of the day because he wears himself out at the tree farm. 

We take a group picture every time we are together. The girls love it and the guys are done after one! We ask for just one more until we get a good one with all eyes open.

I love putting the tree on top of the car and heading home to decorate!!

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