Monday, December 1, 2014

Lights at the zoo

This year my family went to see the lights at the zoo. It was the first time for all of us and it was amazing! We had the best time seeing the lights and taking pics with our new niece Paisley!

I love this picture of Ryan and I. It makes me smile because he has always made me feel that being with me is the absolute best thing! He always says, "I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it." It wasn't until I asked him where he got that line from that he told me it was from the movie Elf. It always makes me laugh when he says it. He is never afraid or embarrassed to show love. He loves with every part of him. 

My parents now live down the road from us and it has been wonderful to have them so close. We have already done so much in the short time they have been back. There's something about having your mom close by! No matter how old I get, I still want my mom!

This is my brother Josh with my brother David's daughter Paisley. My brother Josh has a huge heart and love for his family. I will never forget his sincere emotion when Ryan and I got married. He was truly so happy for us. His love for family is one of my favorite things!

Ryan and I are loving being aunt and uncle to Paisley. She is such a pleasant baby! She absolutely  loves Ryan's beard.

It has been so amazing watching my brother David with his daughter. It seems like yesterday that I was teaching him how to dance and now he's a dad. His daughter just adores him. He dances for her and she gets a kick out of it. Sometimes I can't believe that he is married and now has a daughter. He is the youngest and yet is so responsible and dependable. I'm so proud of him!

My sister in law Kaylin has dated my brother David since they were juniors in high school. They have experienced so much together. We have watched them grow close and pray through the hard times. 

This past weekend was such a blessing. 

1 Peter 5:10
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

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